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6 Inventive Uses For Qualaroo

6 Inventive Uses For Qualaroo

Customers’ lives are so saturated with digital marketing that it can all just seem like noise. They get on average 121 emails every day, and they only open about 13% of the ones sent from marketers. Every time they go to a blog, they click out of an annoying pop-up asking them to sign up for their newsletter. Chatbots ping every time they leave a tab open to save it for later.

We’re a team of marketers—we understand the industry issues keeping you from being heard—so we designed our product to help you cut through the noise. Even though you might know how to use Qualaroo from our instructional resources, we want to teach you how to hack it, so it can help you overcome your marketing hurdles.

Here are our six recommendations for Qualaroo hacks.

1. Collect Emails Respectfully

No one wants an email pop-up to prevent them from getting to the information they need. And worse, no one wants to press a demeaning button (No thanks, I already have a bikini body.) in order to get rid of it.



Aggressive marketing strategies are pushing potential customers away—but email leads are necessary to growing your business. Here are three ways that you can use Qualaroo to balance respectful and effective email collection.

  • Visual integration. When you look at a Qualaroo survey or lead generation form, it doesn’t interfere with your ability to see the content on the website. You’re not obligated to interact with it.
  • Incentivization. By offering a discount code or free shipping in exchange for customers’ emails, you make the lead generation form a resource that benefits them, rather than a nuisance.
  • Targeting. Customers won’t want to give you their email until after they realize your product is something they might be interested in. You can target surveys to customers who have already engaged—based on time on page, or whether they’ve scrolled through your content.

By using these respectful email collection practices, you can both increase the number of people who respond to your surveys and the positive associations your visitors have with your brand.

The Qualaroo How To: Respectful Lead Generation

Here’s how to take advantage of all three of those ways to be considerate while generating leads.

  • Visual integration: Our non-intrusive UI is set up automatically for every form. All you need to do is click on “Create New,” then “Create a Lead Generation Form.”
  • Incentivization. Once you decide how you’re going to incentivize your respondents, write the incentive in the description that they see before they fill out the survey, and write how to access that incentive (website link, coupon code) in the message they see after.
  • Targeting. Use the “Target” tab to decide who receives your surveys, and when to initiate them so they’re helpful, rather than intrusive.

2. Integrate Leads With Your Marketing Campaigns

A tool you consider adding to your marketing and sales toolbox might seem handy or cool, but it’s essentially useless if you can’t integrate it into your pre-existing strategy. It’s not enough that Qualaroo can grab site visitors’ emails—you have to be able to use them in your marketing and sales campaigns.

To automate the process, we have added these and many other integrations.

  • Salesforce. Qualaroo can send your email leads into your Salesforce dashboard. You don’t have to update the CRM manually—it automatically notifies you when a new customer is added. It also can tie survey responses to pre-existing accounts for deep personalization.
  • Mailchimp. You can use Qualaroo’s MailChimp integration to automatically connect emails with your email lists. It works on a survey-by-survey basis, so you can segment your customers by survey to put them on different lists.

After you integrate email collection with your sales and marketing platforms, the rest is automated—your targeted drip campaigns can start right away.

The Qualaroo How To: Integrations

In order to integrate one of your tools with a survey or lead generation form, click on “Add Step,” then “Integrations,” and from there select the appropriate integrations. The rest is automatic.


For example, if you’re using Qualaroo to determine whether your site visitors are interested in the personal or enterprise version of your app, you can use their survey responses to add them to the appropriate email list.

3. Minimize Cart Abandonment

Shopping cart abandonment has reached an all-time high at 74%—but 63% of abandoned shopping cart merchandise is recoverable. There are people who want to buy your product, but aren’t, because unknown factors are keeping them from doing so.

Maybe they’re going to look for a better price elsewhere, or maybe they were disturbed by the high shipping cost. It’s your job to figure out what’s keeping your website visitors from becoming customers—and you can use an exit survey to do just that.

A Qualaroo exit survey is activated when a customer’s mouse moves towards the exit button. You can use one to catch customers before they leave to simultaneously learn why they’re going, and entice them into staying. For example, if someone said they were leaving because the prices were too high, you could offer them a coupon code.



This can both save the immediate sale and give you insights on how to make future website visitors your customers.

The Qualaroo How To: Cart Abandonment

Create a survey like you normally would, and input the fields that apply to your website. To create personalized messages to survey responses—for example, free shipping for a customer put off by high shipping costs—follow these steps in red.


First press “Add Step” (1) to create an exit message where you can add your coupon code. Then, write in your desired text (2). After that, go back to your original survey (3), and connect the step you created to the survey answer it corresponds to.

To designate this survey as an exit survey, activated when a customer’s mouse moves towards the exit button, click this button on the “Target” tab.


4. Create a Customer Pipeline

Almost a quarter of all page views last less than four seconds. Even if you have visitors who are willing to browse your site until they find what they need, you also have visitors who aren’t—if they can’t find what they need right away, they’ll be looking elsewhere.

You can combat this by creating a pipeline survey that converts visitors to customers. When someone visits your site, you can use Qualaroo to ask them what they’re looking for, and then call them to action. These Call-to-Action surveys bridge the gap between contemplation and conversion.



This photo show’s Quizzle’s customer pipeline survey. Instead of having to comb Quizzle’s site, it leads the customer to exactly what they need. First, it asks why the visitor came to Quizzle. After the respondent says that they need credit approval for an auto loan, the survey prompts, “Get your free credit report to make sure your credit is ready for that auto loan…”

Qualaroo A/B tested customer pipeline surveys with Optimizely, and the customers who were offered a pipeline survey converted at a 20% higher rate than those who weren’t.

The Qualaroo How To: Survey Calls to Action

In order to set up this personalized, multi-step survey, you follow the same steps as you would if you were creating an abandoned shopping cart exit survey. Someone who wants a home loan gets a different response than someone who wants an auto loan—you create “steps” and connect those steps to each potential response.

But the difference between this and an abandoned shopping cart rate is that you’re not just giving your visitor a resource, like a coupon code. Insert a “Call to Action” button, where you can link to the place you want your customer to go next.


5. Offer Specific Segments Rewards or Opportunities

Sometimes, your short term goal isn’t to make a sale, it’s to connect with your audience. If you’re an e-commerce site, you could have giveaways (like the viral free leggings campaign from Girlfriend Collective) or sweepstakes. If you’re a nonprofit or public-service oriented organization, sometimes your whole business model is dedicated to providing people to things they don’t have to pay for, or reducing the cost of living.

No matter your business model, you can use Qualaroo to create offers based on customer/visitor segments. For example, a leading education platform used custom properties to determine if a student who hadn’t paid their tuition had a GPA of 3.5 or higher, and then asked that segment, “Are you interested in financial aid?” The survey offered the segment something relevant and valuable to their lives.

Another example of this would be segmented discounts. You could ask a customer their location and income range to determine if they’re eligible for reduced price gas services. Even if this customer won’t make you the highest profit margin, your willingness to connect them with an affordable service that they need can increase brand trust and loyalty.

The Qualaroo How To: Offers Based on User Profiles

If you have a Qualaroo integration like Salesforce, it’s easier to segment your customers. But if you don’t, you can segment exclusively within the Qualaroo platform using branching logic. Branching logic is when a user’s answer to one question determines the next question or message they see. For example, if a user says they use your product for business purposes rather than personal ones, you can send them to a question that asks them how they use it for business purposes.

Branching logic helps you build user profiles within surveys, and target opportunities to those specific user profiles. “#3” on this graphic points you how to connect a question or message to a specific answer, or set of answers.



With branching logic, you can also personalize the end-of-the survey message. From there, you can give an offer (like a coupon code) or direct a user to a webpage (using the call to action feature) where they can receive more information.

6. Optimize Conversion Rates Using Personalization

Personalization is so effective in converting customers that it’s not a question of if you should personalize, but how. According to a study from Forrester Consulting, the biggest three hurdles marketers have to personalizing are a) not gaining insight quickly enough, b) not having enough data, and c) having inaccurate data.

But you can combat all of these problems by using Qualaroo’s data gathering techniques in conjunction with Optimizely’s personalization platform. With Qualaroo, your customer data comes directly from the customer, so you don’t need to worry about it being inaccurate. You can tailor the questions to your needs, so you’ll have enough data, and you can use Optimizely to act on that data in real-time.

Related Read: 23 ways to increase mobile app conversion rate

The gurus at Conversion Rate Experts tested using a Qualaroo survey to lead to a personalized Optimizely landing pages. By asking even just one question (though you can certainly ask more) about location, you can lead your visitor to a relevant landing page about either jackets or bathing suits. Using this technique, conversion rates skyrocketed.



The Qualaroo How To: Personalized Landing Pages and User Journeys

If you have the enterprise editions of both Optimizely and Qualaroo, you can create personalized landing pages and user journeys by using them both in conjunction. For example, mobile e-commerce platform Mobify used these tools to identify buyer personas and show each persona relevant products. Create your survey based on the data you want to acquire, using branching logic to build a user profile.

From there, connect your survey to the Optimizely integration for Qualaroo by sending your Javascript snippet to the Qualaroo support team.



More Than Just Customer Feedback

We’ve designed Qualaroo to try and lessen some of your pain points.

It’s a mistake to use it exclusively as a customer feedback tool. If you use our hacks, our product isn’t just a long-term strategy solution. Gathering information from a customer, whether it’s an email, interest, or need, can help you improve that customer’s experience on your site—and all their experiences to come.

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About the author

Qualaroo Editorial Team is a passionate group of UX and feedback management experts dedicated to delivering top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your user experience improvement and lead generation initiatives.